Ɲ¡ṃßϊᶇ√ᾃṕ -- an organic vaporizer.
(a vaporizer was provided for review. I was so impressed with it that I'm now
doing some promotional concepts and business strategies for their
company... so while it might appear that this isn't a legit review.... it is... i
just was so impressed with them that I got on board.) Woooo Wooooo! Great
there i was, drunk off my butt, staring into space, hammered like bejesus...
and i saw it.... in the future... a chuck jones cartoon that hadn't been
animated yet. What does that have to do with nimbinvap... well.... i think it's
a wave of the future. stupid batteries. stupid shitcoil. stupid $110 vape shit
thing that just fell on the floor.
Don't yah hate when that happens.... don't you wish you had a pipe that you
can get stupid clean after that. Me too, that's why I was staying with smoke.
Then I saw this. www.nimbinvap.com or their ad on vapornation.... dunno
which. Man was I impressed. Talked to 'em about sending me a review
copy... got into talking about their distribution... and have come up with a
few ideas and referred a few people. So, I've been living with the nimbinvap
for about a month... and it's easy to use.... pretty easy to clean... and has all
kinds of different formats it can be made into. Go to the website if you want
the laundry list. I tried about 4 of them.... then got stricken with a gout
attack. The hitter/sneakatoke is great... but careful about how much
activated charcoal you use... there is a point where it filters some thc.
NOOOOOO! But that ain't the vaporizer. Which with a lil' fiddlin' and
learnin' curve (way less than your first bong or pipe or even vape) it provides
regal and sustained tokes. It's still in development too. Try one... and write
the company... or call them.... or send vape signals. What they have is great.
But these cats are so cool... that they're takin' pretty much perfect... and
honin' it to frickin' orgasm.